When it comes to content on your social media pages, you must keep in mind what you’re writing, and who you’re writing it to.


Quality content is the key to gaining interaction with your audience through social media, which led me to coming up with the 4 E’s of Social Media.  I absolutely live by these 4 E’s of Social Media, and that is why I have been able to generate a relevant following that interacts with me!


1. Engage 



If you have any bit of a following, make sure to engage with them.

Talk to them, ask questions, share their thoughts with the rest of your followers.  They have taken the time to show interest in you by subscribing to your posts, show them gratitude by engaging

 with them!  It makes them feel good, it’s very easy to do, and you’re likely going to gain more credibility with individual users which will lead to them share more of your content!



2.  Entertain



It’s 2013, we all have the internet nowadays.  What’s going to make YOU stand out?

Be entertaining!  Whatever it is that your social media pages may be about, be sure to load them with entertaining content that will have your audience wanting more!




3.  Enlighten



Share information with your audience.  It is important that you’re keeping them informed and “in the loop” of you and your industry.  Published surveys, statistics and infographics are a great way to keep your audience informed.



4.  Endorse


If you’re using social media for business, then you can’t forget this key step.  Every now and then, you need to ask your audience to buy what you’re selling.  Even if you’re not directly asking them for a sale, at least endorse your website by providing a link for your audience members to check out.





Provide a well balanced mix of  these 4 E’s, and your page will flourish!  Not only will your page flourish, but your SEO rankings will increase on Google!



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