Look at my Twitter account and you will notice that I have reached the 2000 followers mark.  Look closer and you will see that not only do I have 2000 followers, but I have 2000 RELEVANT followers… there’s a BIG difference between the two! (Relevant followers to me – live in Toronto, work in social media, provide motivation/inspiration)


You don’t need to be a celebrity to gain followers, anyone can do it!  I’m here to share the secrets on how YOU can effectively build a relevant following.



Step one: Set up an account

Sign-up for Twitter

Create a catchy twitter handle that is unique and desirable.  Make sure to include a picture of yourself and create a bio pertaining to your focus.  Adding a header and background photo is also a good idea.




Step Two: Start following (only a few)

Just to get the ball rolling, Twitter will give you some suggested followers.  Sort through some of them to find a few that are relevant to you and start following them.  Send out an authentic tweet to show the twitter world that you’re not a spammer.




Step Three: Import contacts

find friends


This will be the start to gaining followers.  It is easy to import friends from your address book into Twitter, and they are the ones who are most likely to give you retweets; thus, gaining you more exposure.




Step Four: Create content


No one is going to bother following an account that has nothing valuable to read.  Publish Tweets that people in your following will actually care to read.  If you produce crap, then you’re going to have a weak group of followers.




Step Five: Tweet leech


The term “Tweet leech” means to find a Twitter account that is popular and relevant to you, and use it as a source of gaining new followers.  Look through their list of followers and follow the ones most relevant to you.  You’ll get about a 30% follow-back ratio and it usually takes 3-4 days to exhaust this list.


Unfollow those who don’t follow back and repeat this step.


Don’t forget to use the “4 E’s of Social Media”


1.  Engage

2.  Enligthen

3.  Entertain

4.  Endorse


If you follow these steps accordingly, there is no doubt that you will reach your 2000 followers goal in no time!



Take care,

Joseph Della Mora



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